
The group was formed as "The Friends of Illingworth Park" in 2009 to promote the use and rejuvenation of Illingworth Park. The park is located just off Manor Road in Ossett. Our aim is to make the park a safe and welcoming place for all our members of the local community.


 Our Achievements so far:

A 5 Aside Football  Goal post.

New Childrens Playground

2 Wild Flower Gardens

4 Picnic Benches

3 Benches around the park perimeter

Marker Posts, displaying if you pass them twice you have travelled 1/3 of a mile.

Bird Table

Noticeboard for the main gates.

Storage Facility.

Our next project is a trim trail, which we are busy fundraising for.

We would like to thank the following for helping us get this storage facility:

Cllr Darrren Byford, Wakefield Council, CH Building & Landscaping, BBR Graphics & Containers Direct.

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